Applied Research

Our comprehensive knowledge of research funding programs, experience in project management as well as in dissemination and exploitation of innovation make us the perfect partner for your research project.

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Knowledge Transfer

We provide support to innovators willing to transfer know-how and results, at different maturity stages, both within the research or business sectors. 


We help you design sound go-to-market strategies, via our understanding of markets and industry trends, as well as our experience in exploitation activities. 

Business Model & Plan Review

We help you understand how to maximize value generation by challenging your business model or plan and designing new ones.

Dissemination & Communication

We help you design a Dissemination and Communication plan adapted to your project, we help you reach your goals and bring light to your project. 

Proposal Writing

Our team of experts has successfully written multiple proposals for ERA-NET and Horizon2020, and can help you structure or write yours. 

Impact Assessment

Using out-of-the-box thinking, we evaluate economic, environmental and social impacts of renewable energy projects and innovations. 

Find out what we've been working on below.

International Projects
black and silver solar panel

IEA-PVPS Task 1 - Strategic PV Analysis & Outreach

The objective of Task 1 was revised and enhanced in 2013 to better reflect its current role. Task 1 shares a double role of expertise and outreach, which is reflecting in its new name. It aims at promoting and facilitating the exchange and dissemination of information on the technical, economic, environmental and social aspects of PV power systems.

grey concrete building

IEA-PVPS Task 15 - Enabling Framework for the Acceleration of BIPV

The objective of Task 15 is to create an enabling framework to accelerate the penetration of BIPV products in the global market of renewables, resulting in an equal playing field for BIPV products, BAPV products and regular building envelope components, respecting mandatory issues, aesthetic issues, reliability and financial issues.